The following sections describe the classic Euchre game. For information on our Bid Euchre variant, see Bid Euchre Basics.
Euchre is a fast-paced, partnership, trick-taking game played with the Nine through Ace of each suit. Bidding determines trump. In the trump suit, the Jack and off-Jack are the two highest ranked cards. The rank of cards in non-trump suits is standard Ace-high. Each hand consists of five tricks and a team must take at least three tricks to earn points. The team that gets to 10 points first wins the game.
Using a 24-card deck, the dealer deals five cards to each player. The dealer places the four undealt cards face down on the table in front of him/her and turns the top card face-up.
Starting with the player to the dealer’s left, a player may choose to pass or make trump the suit of the “up card,” optionally declaring to play the hand “alone,” that is, without his or her partner participating in the hand. The value of going “alone” is the higher score awarded if the bidder takes all five tricks (see Scoring, below). If playing “Alone must take 5,” the alone player must take all five tricks to get points (see Euchre House Rules Options, below). If the Joker is the up card, trump is spades.
If everyone passes in the first round of bidding, the “up card” is turned face down and another round of bidding ensues in which players may pass or make trump one of the suits other than the previously turned-up card. The “alone” option remains available.
If everyone passes in the second round, the deal moves to the left and a new hand is dealt. If playing “Stick the dealer,” the dealer cannot pass at the end of the second round (see Euchre House Rules Options, below).
If trump was made during the first round of bidding, the dealer adds the “up card” to his or her hand and discards one card, so they again have five cards. This fact influences whether to make trump during the first round.
After bidding and, if needed, the dealer discarding, the player to the dealer’s left leads. Any card may be led. Play continues clockwise by following the led suit, if possible, or playing any other card if not. When all four players have played, the trick is taken by the player who played the highest trump card, if any, or the player who played the highest card of the led suit otherwise.
Remember that in trump, the two highest ranked cards are the Jack of the trump suit and the Jack of the other suit of the same color (the off-Jack). For instance, if Spades is trump, ♠J is the highest ranked card, ♣J second highest, and ♠A third highest. Trickster Euchre automatically sorts the cards in your hand in this way.
After the five tricks are played the team who picked trump is awarded points based on the bid and number of tricks taken (without the “Take 4 for 1 pt” and “Alone worth 2 pts” options):
Tricks |
Points |
less than 3 |
0 |
3 or 4 |
1 |
5 (together) |
2 |
5 (alone) |
4 |
If the team who picked trump fails to take at least 3 tricks, this is known as a Euchre and their opponents are awarded 2 points instead. The team that gets to 10 points first wins the game.
See the description of the house rules options “Take 4 for 1 pt” and “Alone worth 2 pts,” below, for modifications to these values.
“Now” creates a new game that starts immediately. Other options schedule a game for a time in the next 24 hours. Compete and Join games only.
Four levels of winnings based on the buy-in level — 30, 110, 275 or 550 Trickster Chips. Compete games only.
“Euchre” is the classic Euchre game. “Bid Euchre” is a version of Euchre with different bidding and scoring. See Bid Euchre variation, above.
“To score” plays the game until one team achieves the score set in “Play to score.” When “# of hands” is selected, the game is played only for the number of hands selected in the “Play # of hands” option.
Sets the game over score when the “Play” option is set to “To score.” In Play and Compete, you may set the game over score to 10 or 11. In Practice and Join classic Euchre, you may set the game over score to anything between 5 and 25. In Bid Euchre games, you may choose 30, 32, 50, or 52.
Sets the number of hands to be played when the “Play” option is set to “# of hands.” When the number of hands is completed, the highest score wins.
“2v2” is 4 players in 2 teams of 2 each. “2v2v2” is 6 players in 3 teams of 2 each. “3v3” is 6 players with 2 teams of 3 each. “3” is a 3-player solo game. When 6 players, the deck is 7–Ace and Go Under is not available. When playing 3v3, Call for Best is not available. Classic Euchre only.
Sets the size and composition of the deck. “9–A” is a 24-card deck consisting of nine through Ace in each suit. “8–A” is a 28-card deck with eight through Ace in each suit. “7–A” is a 32-card deck with seven through Ace. “10–A” is a 20-card deck available only in classic 3-player games or Bid Euchre. Bid Euchre also includes a “J–A” option.
“Yes” plays with a double deck of the deck type selected above. Bid Euchre only.
“Yes” adds a Joker (also called the Benny or Bird) which becomes the high card of trump. “No” does not add a Joker. Trickster Euchre designates Jokers with a star (★). If the Joker is the up card, trump is spades unless the option “Joker turned up” is set to “Dealer Bids Blind” (see below).
“Yes” adds the undealt cards to the bid winner’s hand. They then discard an equal number of cards. If playing with the Joker, the kitty is 1 card. If no Joker, the kitty is 4 cards, and 1 fewer card is dealt to each player. Bid Euchre only.
The minimum tricks bid in Bid Euchre. Bid Euchre only.
“Spades” sets trump to Spades when the Joker is the up card. “Dealer Bids Blind” forces the dealer to call trump without seeing their cards. After bidding the Joker is added to their hand and they have an opportunity to discard. Available only when “Joker” is set to “Yes.” Classic Euchre only.
“Never” does not offer a choice to defend alone. “Anytime” offers a Defend Along bid to each defender on any bid. “Against Alone” offers a Defend Alone bid to each defender only if an opponent goes alone. When defending alone a Euchre is worth 4 points instead of 2. Classic Euchre only.
What, if any, No Trump (NT) bids are available. Options are “None,” “NT,” and “NT ↑↓.” NT↓ is a no trump bid where the lowest rank cards beat the higher ranked cards.
“Yes” means that “alone” bids are not offered and options related to “alone” are disabled. Classic Euchre only.
Selects the Bid Euchre alone bids available. Options include “None,” “Alone,” “Call 1,” and “Call 2.” Bid Euchre only.
Selects the Bid Euchre bidding style. “Single” means each player bids once. “Auction” means players continue bidding until 3 have passed after a non-Pass bid. Bid Euchre only.
Selects the Bid Euchre bid type. “Level” means players first bid the number of tricks then bid winner chooses the trump suit. “Level & Suit” mean players bid number of tricks and suit together. Bid Euchre only.
“Yes” means the dealer is the first to bid. “No” means the player to the left of the dealer bids first. When set to “Yes,” the player to the dealer’s right is the last to bid.
“Yes” requires the dealer (or last bidder) to bid at the end of the second round of bidding if everyone else has passed. “No” does not require the dealer (last bidder) to bid; if everyone passes, the deal advances and cards are redealt. This option appears as “Stick the last bidder” when “Dealer bids first” is set to “Yes.”
“Yes” allows players holding at least three 9s or 10s to exchange them for three cards from the blind when it is their turn to bid (with 7-Ace, it’s three 7s and 8s; with 8-Ace, three 8s and 9s). “No” requires players to play with the cards they were dealt. Classic Euchre only.
Also known as Canadian. “Yes” forces the partner of the dealer to bid alone or pass during the first round of bidding (while the up card is face up). “No” does not impose this restriction. Classic Euchre only.
Allows offering a misdeal option under certain conditions. “No” never offers misdeal. “Ace, No Face” offers misdeal when a player is holding 1 ace with 4 non-face cards. “No Ace, No Face” offers misdeal when holding 5 non-face cards. “No Face, Maybe Ace” offers misdeal under either ‘Ace, No Face’ or ‘No Ace, No Face’ conditions. Classic Euchre only.
Controls what trump cards you must hold to be able to call trump during the first round of bidding. “Anytime” lets you call trump holding anything. “Any Trump” requires that you have a card of the trump suit, including an off-Jack. “With Natural” requires that you hold a card of the suit of the up-card, not including the off-Jack. Classic Euchre only.
Controls when trump may be first led. “After broken” means trump may not be led until trump is dumped on a trick or you have no cards except trump. “After first trick” means trump may be led anytime except the first trick. “Anytime” means trump may be led anytime.
“Yes” requires that the bidding team take 4 tricks to score 1 point. Taking 5 tricks is worth 2 points. “No” means that only 3 tricks need be taken to score 1 point. Classic Euchre only.
“Yes” requires an alone bidder to take all 5 tricks to make their bid. Failing to take 5 results in a Euchre for the opponents. “No” rewards 1 point if 3 tricks are taken or 4 points if all 5 tricks are taken. Classic Euchre only.
“Yes” means the bid winner plays the first card. “No” means the player to the dealer’s plays first. Bid Euchre only.
“Yes” means the opening lead will be from the defender to an alone bidder’s left. “No” means the player to the dealer’s left opens.
“Yes” means that an alone bid that takes 5 tricks scores only 2 points. “No” scores 4 points for an alone bid taking 5 tricks. Classic Euchre only.
“Yes” means one card is passed between an alone bidder and his or her partner. “No” does not add this pass. Classic Euchre only.
“Yes” awards 4 points to the defending team if they take all 5 tricks. “No” scores the usual 2 points for all Euchres. Classic Euchre only.
“Yes” means that a successful maker only earns points equal to their bid. “No” credits all the points taken. Bid Euchre only.
“Yes” automatically plays cards when there is only one legal card. This speeds up the game. When “No,” each player’s setting for “Autoplay forced cards” is used for them.
“Yes” randomly reassigns seats at the start of each game to mix up player positions (sometimes keeping the seats the same). “No” allows players to keep the seats they choose. Compete games only.
“Yes” hides this game from other players until they’ve been explicitly invited using the “Invite Friends” form. “No” allows all friends of players in this game to see it. Join and Compete games only.
“Yes” to allow players to see bid and card play suggestions, depending on their personal setting. “No” prevents all players from seeing suggestions. Always “Yes” in Play games; “No” in Compete games.
“Yes” shows all players’ hands face up during the game. “No” keeps other players’ hands face down. Join and Practice games only.
“Yes” hides the points taken during the hand displayed next to each player’s name.
“Yes” allows decks to be uploaded using the Upload Decks button in the Current Game item in the main menu. Uploaded decks are used starting on the next deal following upload. Join and Practice games only.
“No” prevents anyone from watching the game. “Face Down” allows up to 10 additional players to watch the game with all players’ hands face down. “Face Up” allows watching with players’ hands face up. Join games only.
“None” disables all chat during the game. “Preset” allows only the built-in chat messages to be used. “Text” allows full chat. Full chat is also always available before and after games.
Specifies an optional time limit for a player to bid. “Off” means there are no time limits on bidding. “7s,” “15s,”, “30s” & “60s” sets a limit to bid of 7, 15, 30 or 60 seconds, respectively. Automatically set in Play games.
Specifies an optional time limit for a player to play a card. “Off” means there are no time limits on card play. “7s,” “15s,”, “30s” & “60s” sets a limit to play a card of 7, 15, 30 or 60 seconds, respectively. Automatically set in Play games.